Researchers of the FogGuru project introduce their experiment results, applying fog computing on water resources management.

Pirates vs. navy: who wins?
Start-ups on one side, corporations on the other. They can bring each other endless opportunities, but compromises are not optional, they're mandatory.

Next destination: Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0: for the industrial sector it's time to innovate and to keep pace with the current technological and digital evolution!

AI and energy efficiency
Few days ago I was in Brussels, invited by to speak at a high-level roundtable organized by JRC on Intensive Data Processing and Energy Efficiency – Innovative Green Technologies for Artificial Intelligence. The round table included a number of industry representatives working at the junction of ICT and energy, as well as policy-makers and high-profile scientists. The discussion […]

Data science in high school? Yes, it can be done!
Last week I had the opportunity to give a talk to a group of high school students during a summer camp organized by the University of Trento in collaboration with HIT, CLAB and the support of U-Hopper, SpazioDati and OpenDataTrentino. The focus of the camp: data science. The question: can a group of students from […]