The creation of a Data Lake and the use of predictive analysis to optimize snowmaking machines and save precious resources: these were the objectives of our project for TechnoAlpin.

How do the best recipes come to life? TSCW 2019 and our cooking skills
Mix a large volume of data with a cup of algorithms and a pinch of magic, and voilà, the analysis of the Trento Smart City Week 2019 is ready!

Festival dell’Economia 2019: what do they talk about?
We have analysed the themes of the last edition to draw a comparison between the offline treated topics and the online arose Twitter discussion.

Monitoring the Trento Sport Festival 2018
The first edition of the Sport Festival has taken place in Trento, Italy, during 11 – 14 October 2018. Being sport addicts, at U-Hopper we could not miss the chance to monitor the Twitter coverage of the event with Tapoi. We have also been using a new interesting analysis for the first time: the people […]

Monitoring the Trento Economics Festival 2018
This year the 13th edition of the Trento Economics Festival took place and we at U-Hopper were ready to monitor the Twitter coverage of the event with Tapoi.The main theme of this year’s edition has been Business and Technology and our analysis’ objective has been to verify (and actually confirm) that the social discussion was actually […]

Monitoring Trento Smart City Week 2018
Monitor the official Twitter account of Trento Smart City Week 2018 @trentosmart : this is what we have done during the four days of the event. Our objective has been collecting and presenting relevant information regarding the social coverage of the event.

Monitoring the Trento Economics Festival 2017
We have monitored the official Twitter account of the Trento Economics Festival 2017 during the four days of the event with the objective of showing the potential of Tapoi monitoring functionality and presenting some valuable information about the Festival.

Can Tapoi really predict your interests?
Summarizing the results of an experiment run with 161 users in order to test the ability of Tapoi’s profiling and modelling capability to actually predict the interests of users.