What prevents an Artificial Intelligence project from being successful? What actions should be taken? Insights from our experience.
Beyond the hype: can Artificial Intelligence be ethical?
Artificial Intelligence is not just about opportunities. It is also about important questions related to moral and ethical aspects.
3 mega trends driving the Digital Transformation
Three mega tech trends are revolutionising our world, involving everyone: individuals, institutions and businesses.
Next destination: Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0: for the industrial sector it's time to innovate and to keep pace with the current technological and digital evolution!
The Big Bang of News
Personalization is fine, but the Filter Bubble is not! How Tapoi is helping online news & media agencies overcome this issue.
How do the best recipes come to life? TSCW 2019 and our cooking skills
Mix a large volume of data with a cup of algorithms and a pinch of magic, and voilà, the analysis of the Trento Smart City Week 2019 is ready!
When chatbots drive social inclusion: takeaways from an EU project pilot
Perceived friendliness and low barriers in terms of adoption are the reasons why we believe chatbots can concretely support the integration of foreigners.
Machine Learning, how and why now?
How come the development of Machine Learning applications has taken so long? What are the aspects that slowed down the process? Here are all the answers!
Unveiling the principles of Machine Learning
How do Machine Learning algorithms work in simple terms? A behind-the-scenes look at how automatic facial recognition is possible today.
BlueAlpaca winning over Europe’s smartest cities
From Trento to Helsinki, passing by Milan, Santander and Antwerp: a contemporary Grand Tour around Europe and its most innovative smart cities!