We have analysed the themes of the last edition to draw a comparison between the offline treated topics and the online arose Twitter discussion.

Artificial intelligence and Machine learning: what’s the difference?
The terms Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are often used as synonyms, but there is a big difference that depends on the way machines are taught.

A talk with Giulia, our Operation Officer and GDPR expert
Giulia is an experienced lawyer, who has recently joined UH as Operations Officer and legal expert, making sure our solutions are 100% GDPR compliant!

BlueAlpaca: a smart chatbot for a smart city
An innovative chatbot project in collaboration with the SynchroniCity EU project and the cities of Milan, Santander, Antwerp and Helsinki. The objective: making information and services accessible and usable by citizens.

Making citizens the eye of policy makers: SCENT
SCENT is a European Union research project funded under the Horizon 2020 program. Its objective is to engage citizens in environmental monitoring and enable them to become the eyes of the policy makers. In doing so citizens will have the chance to support the monitoring of land-cover use and changes by taking advantage of their […]

What a chatbot really is
It’s been roughly two years now since we started working on our first chatbot in U-Hopper. It was called Talk2Fiesta and was developed as part of the FiestaIoT EU project: it was meant to offer an alternative way of accessing environmental information (among the others temperature, humidity and wind) regarding the city of Santander, Spain. […]

BizDev team gets bigger: welcome Elisa Tassoni!
Happy to be back in Trento and even happier to embrace a brand new challenging experience, Elisa has recently become part of our team as Business Developer. A few insights on her path so far!

AI and energy efficiency
Few days ago I was in Brussels, invited by to speak at a high-level roundtable organized by JRC on Intensive Data Processing and Energy Efficiency – Innovative Green Technologies for Artificial Intelligence. The round table included a number of industry representatives working at the junction of ICT and energy, as well as policy-makers and high-profile scientists. The discussion […]

Monitoring the Trento Sport Festival 2018
The first edition of the Sport Festival has taken place in Trento, Italy, during 11 – 14 October 2018. Being sport addicts, at U-Hopper we could not miss the chance to monitor the Twitter coverage of the event with Tapoi. We have also been using a new interesting analysis for the first time: the people […]

Meet Nicolò Pomini, our new Software developer
After having successfully discusses his bachelor thesis, Nicolò has officially joined our team as Software developer. Here a few answers and thoughts after a few weeks from the hiring.